Umumnya ada empat kata kerja causative verb yang sering digunakan, yaituhave, get, let, dan make.
I. Have
Have merupakan kata kerja causative yang umum. Kata kerja ini berfungsi untuk menginginkan seseorang mengerjakan sesuatu untuk subjek. Rumus yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut :
· Kalimat aktif : S + (have/ had + agent + action verb (bare infinitive) + object.
· Kalimat pasif : S+(have-had)+object+action verb(V-3).
Contoh :
1. I had my brother take that glass. (aktif)
2. Mr. Setia had Lillie check the paper. (aktif)
3. I had my sister take that ball. (aktif)
4. They had their lawyer change their will. (aktif)
5. I like the way you had the beautician do you hair. (aktif)
6. I had my jacket cleaned yesterday. (pasif)
7. I had my computer fixed. (pasif)
8. I had my car cleaned yesterday. (pasif)
9. Tom had a tooth filled.(pasif)
10. Have you had your temperature taken yet?(pasif)
II. Get
Penggunaan kata kerja Get mirip dengan have namun dengan struktur kalimat yang berbeda. Rumus yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut :
· Kalimat aktif : S + (get/ got) + agent + action verb (to infinitive)
· Kalimat pasif : S + (got) + object + action verb (V-3)
Contoh :
1. He got his father to buy a ball. (aktif)
2. Let's get Ralph to go with us. (aktif)
3. Do you know that we can get Karen to take us to San Diego? (aktif)
4. She got her brother to buy her a basket ball. (aktif)’
5. I get you to like this explanation. (aktif)
6. I got my jacket cleaned. (pasif)
7. I want to get the house painted before winter. (pasif)
8. Let's get our car fixed first. (pasif)
9. Cindy got her bedroom cleaned. (pasif)
10. Sandy gets her hair cut. (pasif)
III. Let
Kata kerja ini berfungsi untuk membiarkan seseorang melakukan sesuatu. Rumus yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut :
Aktif : S + let + agent + action verb (bare infinitive)
Contoh :
1. Wil you let me go now?
2. She lets me drive her car.
3. My father lets me choose the gift.
4. Let's get Ralph to go with us.
5. Do you know that we can get Karen to take us to San Diego?
6. My father lets me choose my own car.
7. John let me drive his new car.
8. Will your parents let you go to the party?
9. I don't know if my boss will let me take the day off.
10. My father lets me choose my own future carrier.
IV. Make
Kata kerja ini berfungsi untuk memaksa atau sangat meyakinkan seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu. Rumus yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut :
· Kalimat aktif : S + (make/ made) + agent + action verb (bare infinitive)
Contoh :
1. The manager makes her staff work hard.
2. My teacher made me apologize for what I had said.
3. Did she makes you wear that ugly hat?
4. Let's get Ralph to go with us.
5. Do you know that we can get Karen to take us to San Diego?
6. The manager makes her staff work hard.
7. My teacher made me apologize for what I had said.
8. Did somebody make you wear that ugly hat?
9. She made her children do their homework.
10. The manager makes her staff work hard.
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